about us

Simon Sez Dog Food was created as an alternative to other dog foods and supplements on the market that were doing harm to my dog, Simon. As a culinary school graduate, I was able to create an optimum dog diet alongside a certified leading pet nutritionist. As Simon began the process of a healthy balanced diet, he began having a surge of energy. His eyes and coat became shinier and his overall well-being was much improved. My goal now is to provide that for all the other dogs. This is my way of giving back for all the love Simon has given me. That is why I named this dog food after him, SIMON SEZ. — Mark McWilliams

our Products

Ensure Your Dog’s Health

Simon Sez is an all natural dog food product. There are absolutely no fillers, additives, or preservatives in this product. It’s purchased in a pre-mixed dry form, with proteins including: ground beef, turkey, chicken, or protein of choice, depending on the personal need or choice of the person preparing the food. 

What makes it better than other dog foods?

Everything! There is no dog food on the market that can claim to be suited for human consumption. You can add vegetables or other ingredients according to your pet’s specific needs. It’s chef designed and created for maximum nutrition and taste without the chemicals. Everything that goes into making it is of the highest standard of quality. 100% all natural ingredients.

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